Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Better Way

I'm in the New Testament now, and have also restarted The Book of Mormon. Reading both books together, along with the words or our holy prophets today, highlights in my mind how omnipresent, yet personal Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and their great work are.

Today I was in Matt 11.

'Come unto me, all ye that labour, and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.

For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light'. (vs 28-30)

A lot of what Heavenly Father asks of us, His Commandments, sometimes seem hard. They might come across as not much fun at all, quite boring. Outdated. Too much work. Yet, it has been my experience, that the more I follow His commandments, the more REAL fun, and joy I have!

I think of the mission. Hard - yes. Giving 18 months of my life, 24/7 to the Lord in His service doesn't sound, and to be honest- wasn't always 'fun'. But I cannot think of a time in my life, when I've felt as much constant peace and true JOY! If there is one thing that the world cannot offer, that is peace!

I think of marriage. It's tragic to think that marriage is so degraded and optional in commonplace society now. Yes it is hard at times. But being one with someone, in daily life, as well as purpose, ...I'm not sure how do describe it... nothing else comes close to that feeling!

I think of having Children. Yes, it is hard, and the sacrifice - MONUMENTAL! But life is SO much more fun and meaningful with them. Our marriage is better! Life is better!

So, what this scripture says to me is that taking Christs 'yoke' (work, commandments...) upon us will be 'work', but the 'rest unto your souls' that He promises - 'peace of mind and heart' , joy that the world cannot offer- is worth the sacrifice.

Don't take my word for it though. Find out for yourself!

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