Sunday, October 31, 2010


I've been in Moroni 7 for a few days now. I just don't want to leave. I read and re-read vs 45, over and over and over...somehow hoping that each time I read it, it will settle itself into my soul and become a part of me. One more time.

'And charity suffereth long, and is kind, and envieth not, and is not puffed up, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil, and rejoiceth not in iniquity but rejoiceth in the truth, beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.

...Charity is the pure love of Christ.'

How I so desire to feel this way. Towards everyone!

I think of my life and all my day-to-day activities, as well as the thoughts and motives that are my companion, and I realise how different my world would be if I felt this Charity for all around me.

No complaining. Or anger. Free from selfishness. Wouldn't it feel liberating to not be so self-centered? No doing things to gain the praise of those around you - just think of all the activities, all the thoughts and efforts that would be omitted from our days if we didn't do things to seek the praise and approval of those around us...or maybe it's just me.

I like to think of those that I know I feel this charity towards. I think of my family and how much I love them, and desire all the happiness and joy for them. My life would be so rich if I felt this way for EVERYONE.

Moroni teaches to pray for this charity, with 'all the energy of heart'.

Elder Gene R. Cook also shares that having charity for others starts with having charity towards ourselves. Seeing ourselves as God sees us.

And understanding Gods love for us, comes with truly understanding the Atonement of our Saviour. Which, I'm thinking, is a lifelong quest, that is worth the time and effort.

'For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoso believeth in him, should not perish, but have everlasting life'.

Yesterday, as I sat listening to the words of the temple ordinances, coupled with the sweet whisperings of the spirit, I learnt something that seems so juvenile in gospel understanding, yet has taking me so long to have 'click'. I have been sanctified! Every time I partake of the sacrament each week, I am sanctified. Every time I repent in prayer, I am sanctified.

'As we increasingly think and act like Him, the attributes of the natural man will slip away to be replaced by the heart and the mind of Christ. We will become like Him and then truly receive Him.' (Gene R. Cook)

I love the scriptures. I love how they help me to see my weaknesses, and then give me hope enough to work on overcoming them. I love how they teach of Christ. I want to know Him better. I love how there is a place I can go, to come to know Him more.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Faith to be clean

I may open up about myself a little more than I'd usually like, with conflicting feelings between hoping you don't understand, but then really hoping you do.

For quite a while now, as I study the scriptures and words of the Prophets, I subconsciously seek out answers to the same question that has been weighing on me for...what seems like my whole life.

How/when will I be free of all the evil desires/tendancies/weaknesses I have?

Sanctification. Purification. Atonement. '...washed in the blood of the lamb...', and more, jump out at me. Can I hope for it to come soon? In the next decade? This life? I get so impatient - I know, another one to add to the list.

Ether 12 is a good start.

vs 7. '...He showed not himself unto them until after they had faith in him...'

Christ hasn't appeared to me in person, BUT through His Spirit He has! I'm sure that counts.

I feel His spirit every day. I recognise His spirit prompting me to take a deep breath and not dwell on, say, what Brent may have innocently forgotten to do, despite my natural yearning to make him suffer for it! Or to whisper to myself, when I'm tired and done being a mother, 'Come what may, and love it!'. Which magically turns my thoughts to how grateful I am to have these sweet girls.

Sometimes I get thinking faith is a gift from God. Some have it, and some don't. Although that is true with some, for others of us, it's not all lost. We can 'choose' faith. Elder Richard C. Edgely gave a FABULOUS talk this past General Conference on this very topic.

'Yes, faith is a choice, and it must be sought after and developed. Thus, we are responsible for our own faith. We are also responsible for our lack of faith. The choice is yours.'

Go and read the rest!!! (Faith - The Choice is Yours)

Now x-referencing to Alma 5:12, speaking of Alma, 'And according to his faith there was a mightly change wrought in his heart'.

So, all is not lost! I know I have faith in Christ, because I feel His Spirit. I know I can continue to work on my faith in him, because it is a 'choice'. And now I know that through this faith (in Him. In His Atonement. In His power to heal/cleanse/save) I CAN have a 'mightly change wrought in [my] heart'. There is hope!

Then I got to vs 19 in Ether 12.

Speaking of some faithful few who '...truly saw with their eyes the things which they had beheld with an eye of faith...'

That got me way excited! One day, we all will 'see' with our own eyes, all that we have hope and faith in. One day I'll 'see' for myself that His Atonement has purified me. One day I'll 'see' Him in all His glory. One day, everything that rings true in my heart, will ring true period. I'm so excited for that day!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Corom who?

I'm in Ether 10-11 in The Book of Mormon today. It is easy to skim over these kind of chapters that cover generations and many decades in a matter of a few verses. He begat him, who begat him...etc.

In my attempt at trying to learn from these seemingly uneventful scriptures, a line that I kept reading over and over, finally caught my attention.

Ether 10:17 'And it came to pass that _______ did that which was good in the sight of the Lord all his days; and he begat...'

This time it was a 'Corom'. We don't know much about Corom, other than who his father was and who his son was. He only got one verse in the whole book. Yet, he 'did that which was good in the sight of the Lord all his days...' and for that, he will have an eternal increase, just like all those faithful prophets in the scriptures who have chapters dedicated to their service.

My father once shared with me an analogy of how he views himself. If building the kingdom was likened unto building a pyramid or structure, he envisions himself being one of those many 'invisible' workers, quietly carrying bricks for the building.

I guess we all can't be the architects or the supervisors, but that is the beauty of God's plan. We don't have to be! Even my 'Nursery Assisting' efforts can qualify me!

Sunday, October 17, 2010


Last night I spoke on the phone with my older sister, Kristall.

Amongst other things, we spoke about Sister Julie Beck (Relief Society President) and her recent visit to Sydney. Sister Beck spoke at a women's fireside on the 'Spiritual War' we are now engaged in.

That got me thinking.

If we are at war, right this minute. And I am presuming that I am on the Lords side, helping Him in this battle - What am I doing each day to help Him fight? Who's souls am I trying to save? Am I one of His faithful warriors? Can He rely on me to fulfil my part? Or am I distracted, thinking of my own needs. Maybe I'm in my tent, taking a nap, or reading a book. Am I even on the battle field? I would be heartbroken if I found out that there were casualties around me, that I would've helped prevent, but I was too busy running on that treadmill, watching that movie, or on FB!

Maybe half the battle, is knowing you're in one in the first place.

I love President Thomas S. Monson, and the attitude he has always lived by. He said, (and I am paraphrasing), "If the Lord needs an errand to be run, I want him to know that he can rely on Tom Monson to get it done".

My Mother-in-Law once shared with me something that helps her to focus on the things that are 'needful'. She said each morning as she prays, she relays to Heavenly Father her plans for the day, and then she asks Him, what He would have her do. I think that is fabulous, and am going to try do better to do the same.

It can get overwhelming thinking of all the souls, whom we cherish and have stewardship over, wondering how we can fight for them this day, but as we go to our Father in prayer, He will direct us to who is in need of our help. Maybe it's a kind word that is needed, encouragement, testimony, prayers, love. Isn't that kind of exciting? Being engaged in this battle doesn't mean destroying others, but lifting them. Loving them. Serving them as Christ would.

Let's all enlist ourselves -in both word, and especially deed! And say to the Lord each day, "Any more errands to be run?"

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Contribute to the conversation.

I'm not all that articulate or profound. Nor, do I have anything original to share. But I want to add my voice (as Elder M. Russell Ballard has asked) to the cyber conversation on Faith. Another 'drop' for good is never a bad thing! :)

Each day I wake up, usually in the wee hours of the morning, to the sound of my 6 month old ravenous daughter. Once I've fed her happy and sleepy, I get to dedicate 1/2 an hour to the Lord in His Holy Scriptures. I know 1/2 an hour is meager compared to a lot of you faithful people, but that does me good.

I also study the scriptures with my husband, Brent, before we end the day. We study a different topic each week, this week focusing on Marriage. Can you think of a better topic to study before jumping into bed with your sweetheart?

So, each day I'll share what I've learnt in both these study sessions, as well as all the unscheduled teachings the Spirit see's I need throughout the day. It is quite amazing how often we are taught from on high, usually without even recognising it as such. President Henry B. Eyring shared a few years ago, how he would ask himself this question each night before retiring to bed, no matter how tired he was, and then he would journal the answer in his little notebook. "How had I seen the hand of God blessing our family today?". I too want to keep this record, so that my posterity can also see God blessing our lives.

I love the Lord. I love His Gospel. I love His work. If my voice is going to be heard, amidst the crowd of voices, that is what I want people to hear.