Friday, December 7, 2012

Treasure Trove within Grasp

Living in a room in my parents home, is a very challenging situation for me, yet financially, we still need to wait. I am yearning my own space, and find myself envious of those who are already 'there'.

Thoughts of 'If only we had a second income', or 'If only we didn't have so many children' plague my mind, and I daydream of all the niceties we could be enjoying already, if only we just...

One scripture that keeps chiseling its way into my indulgence, is found in Matt 6:19-21

'Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal:

But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal:

For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.'

As I pondered what this scripture means to me, I realised that my 'treasure' is in my husband and in my children. It is in raising up a righteous posterity to God, and finding joy in living with them now, and as an eternal family in the life to come. I realised that at the end of my life, if that is all I have, then I will feel rich, and will have no regrets.

As I held my Mercedes last night, whilst watching a movie together, a flash of light and understanding unexpectedly filled me. As I continue to 'treasure' God and my family, my treasure will increase. Or in other words, as I continue to love, and cherish, and find joy in my husband and children, and in service to God, my desire to be with them will grow and fill me, until at last, that is all I desire. Everything else will just be an added bonus.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Would/Will you?

If you were one of the Israelites living in Egypt during the time of Moses, would you follow him through the Red Sea and be saved? If you were living during Noah's time, would you enter the Ark and be saved?

This weekend, we got to hear from our beloved Prophet, President Thomas S. Monson and other church leaders. And just as it was important during ancient times to give heed to, and follow the Prophets of old, so too is it important for us to do the same today, so that we too may be saved.

One of the great blessings we enjoy, is the knowledge that God continues to speak to us through His chosen Servants, even today! We have personal revelation, to guide us individually, but a Prophet in OUR midst?! Isn't that the coolest (for lack of a better word) thing ever! He is called to warn, inspire, lead, and most importantly, testify of Christ. I know this is true, and have found so much joy and guidance in hearing his words and heeding his counsel.

I hope you all will find time to prayerfully listen to the words of our Prophets and Apostles, as they truly are called of God.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Come Listen to a Prophet's Voice!

I really don't have anything particularly profound swirling around in my head at the moment, I am just extremely excited for the up-coming General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Sunday, April 1.

I LOVE General Conference! I love listening to our dear Prophet, President Monson, and all the leaders of the Church that address us. They speak the words of Christ, as this is His true and living Church upon the earth today. I acknowledge that that is a very bold statement, but I know it is true with all my heart, and I cannot say anything less than the truth!

Come, and see for yourself!